St Patrick Street Castlerea Co Roscommon Ireland 

Welcome to the Workshop Castlerea

I'm Sheila Rose, I opened the Workshop last November having relocated to beautiful Castlerea Co Roscommon. its a small personal training & sports therapy studio.

I've been working in the fitness industry for nearly 10 years now and specialize in functional strength & conditioning, working with a wide verity of clients from super-fit athletes to those just starting out on a couch to 5 k journey or simply returning back to fitness, I train ordinary people just like me to reach extraordinary heights. 

Personally, I'm a run junkie - I started running seriously back in 2012, having quit smoking  - long story short, I fell in with the wrong crowd and having completed my first marathon in 2013, joined the UK & Ireland 100 Marathon Clubs in 2017 - in latter years I have fallen in love with trails & longer distance running (Ultra) - I've got 6 100 miler finishes under my belt and currently training for the Kerry Way Ultra.

Training for distance, encourages exploration of mindset training - the mental toughness which pushes you forward, helps you sieve through the excuses and focus on the present, what you can do in that given moment, and how to plan your next step towards your goal. My personal experience of pushing through my own boundaries, building confidence and strength of mind - helps me to focus my clients on discovering their own strengths and harnessing that will power they never knew they had.

"you never know how strong you are - until strong is all you've got"  


Sheila Rose (2020)

Personal Trainer, Chi Running Instructor,  S&C Coach, Pilates Trainer,  Sports Massage Therapist 

Covid 19 - UPDATE 22th October

The Workshop is now closed under Covid 19 Level 5 restrictions  - unfortunately the studio is highly unlikely to reopen this year. 

A million & one thanks for your continued support

Sheila xx  


© Copyright The Workshop Castlerea